TMG Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide to the Health Benefits of This Essential Molecule

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- Updated by Jody Mullis
Medically reviewed by Dr. Sidra Samad

Discover the health benefits, effects, and recommended dosage of TMG supplements and their role in extracellular vesicles enriched for neuronal support.

TMG Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide to the Health Benefits of This Essential Molecule

Are you looking to improve your overall health and well-being? TMG supplements could offer a range of health benefits. Known scientifically as trimethylglycine (TMG) or betaine anhydrous, these supplements significantly support various bodily functions. From aiding in liver function to promoting heart health, TMG supplements can profoundly impact your wellness journey.

TMG, derived from the amino acid glycine with three methyl groups attached, is essential for DNA production and repair. The effects of betaine supplementation extend to improving body composition and cardiovascular health by lowering plasma homocysteine levels. Research indicates that higher betaine intake can also enhance performance in professional athletes, including young soccer players, during a competitive season.

At Longevity Box, we’ve been committed to enhancing health and longevity since the beginning of 2021. We support over 100,000 customers with our unique, purity-guaranteed supplements. Our unique 700-day purity guarantee ensures every product is third-party tested and free from fillers, binders, and preservatives.

Our dedication to quality is reflected in our 60-day money-back guarantee and our exclusive focus on active ingredients. Since discovering the science of longevity a decade ago, we’ve been driven to make cutting-edge, safe, and affordable supplements accessible to everyone.

Interested in the benefits of TMG supplements? Explore our comprehensive guide to understand the effects, compare top options, and choose the right product to enhance your health and well-being.

What Does TMG Do for the Body?

Trimethylglycine, is derived from the amino acid glycine and plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. TMG supplements can improve heart health, boost athletic performance, and regulate insulin levels, along with many other benefits.

Liver Function

TMG aids in maintaining optimal liver function. It acts as a methyl donor, helping convert homocysteine into methionine, which is essential for protein synthesis and liver health.

DNA Production

The methyl groups provided by TMG are vital for DNA production and repair. Methylation is a critical process that affects gene expression and cell function.

Healthy Homocysteine Levels

TMG helps in lowering homocysteine levels, thereby promoting heart health. Elevated homocysteine levels are a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

Role in Methylation

TMG’s primary role is in methylation reactions, which are essential for many biological processes, including detoxification, neurotransmitter production, and hormone regulation.

Impact on Heart Health

TMG supports cardiovascular health by assisting in the regulation of homocysteine levels. Proper intake of choline and betaine is associated with reduced heart disease risk.

Additional Benefits

  • Athletic Performance: TMG supplements may enhance exercise performance by improving power output and reducing feelings of fatigue.
  • Insulin Regulation: TMG may help in regulating insulin levels, contributing to metabolic health.

Dosage and Use

Common dosages range from 750 mg to 3,000 mg per day. Higher doses may be recommended for specific health concerns, such as liver health or exercise performance. 

Are TMG Supplements Safe?

TMG supplements are generally considered safe for most users when taken at recommended dosages. However, it is important to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.

According to Healthline, consuming up to 15 grams of Trimethylglycine may be safe, though some side effects, such as diarrhoea and vomiting, can occur.

Opting for pure Trimethylglycine supplements, certified by third parties, ensures quality and effectiveness. Our TMG supplements, available on our website, are third-party certified and offer high purity levels. This formula provides robust, reliable supplementation without unnecessary additives, ensuring users receive only the best ingredients.

Taking NMN can reduce the body's methylation levels, so it's important to replenish them. TMG helps ensure that the NMN in your body works effectively. Dr. David Sinclair recommends TMG to support NMN supplementation and explains why he takes it himself.

When Should I Take TMG Supplements?

The best time to take trimethylglycine supplements depends on your health goals and daily routine.

Morning Routine

Taking TMG in the morning can help kick-start your day. Many people prefer this time to aid energy production and support overall well-being throughout the day. Keeping TMG supplements alongside your morning vitamins ensures consistency.

Before Meals

Some users find it beneficial to take TMG before meals. This practice might improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. In particular, those aiming to reduce homocysteine levels may benefit from this timing.

Evening or Night

Taking TMG later in the day might be beneficial for those interested in sleep and recovery. Some reports suggest it can enhance muscle recovery when taken after intense exercise or physical activity.

Forms of TMG

TMG supplements come in various forms, including tablets, capsules, and powders. Choosing the right form can be a matter of personal preference and convenience. Capsules can be more convenient for travel, while powders allow for easy dosage adjustment.

Potential Benefits of TMG Supplements


Heart Health

TMG supplements may contribute to better heart health by lowering homocysteine levels. Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Studies show that TMG can help reduce these levels, thus potentially decreasing the risk of heart conditions.

Improved Liver Function

Betaine supplementation is known for supporting liver function. TMG assists the liver in processing fats efficiently, which can prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits in the liver. This can be beneficial in preventing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Enhanced Physical Performance

Athletes may benefit from TMG supplements due to their potential to enhance physical performance. Research suggests that TMG can improve power output and endurance, making it a popular supplement among those looking to boost their athletic capabilities.

Cognitive Function

TMG may have neuroprotective effects, potentially enhancing cognitive function. Some studies suggest that TMG supplements can alleviate symptoms of depression and improve mood by balancing neurotransmitter levels in the brain.

Genetic Disorders

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved TMG for the treatment of classical homocystinuria, a rare genetic disorder. This disorder results from a deficiency in an enzyme, leading to an excess buildup of the amino acid homocysteine. TMG helps manage this condition effectively.

Metabolic Benefits

Adding TMG supplements to your diet may support metabolic function. TMG is involved in methylation, which is crucial for DNA repair, detoxification, and the metabolism of fats and proteins. This process is vital for maintaining overall metabolic health.

NMN and Longevity

Pairing TMG with NMN supplements can be beneficial for promoting longevity. NMN supplements have been shown to enhance cellular health and may have synergistic effects when taken alongside TMG.

Cellular Protection

TMG may offer cellular protection by reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a major factor in the ageing process and the development of chronic diseases. By lowering oxidative stress, TMG can help protect cells from damage.

Digestive Health

Regular intake of TMG can also improve digestive health. It aids in the production of stomach acid, which is essential for the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Mood Enhancement

Some evidence suggests that TMG can enhance mood and reduce symptoms of conditions like depression. TMG acts as a natural mood enhancer by balancing chemicals in the brain.

For more information on TMG and to explore appropriate supplements, visit our TMG supplement selection. Ensure to follow recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider if you have underlying health conditions.

Understanding the Effect of TMG on Homocysteine Levels

Trimethylglycine plays a significant role in lowering homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid linked to heart disease when found at high levels in the blood. TMG acts as a methyl donor, a crucial function for converting homocysteine into methionine.

High homocysteine levels contribute to cardiovascular diseases. TMG supplements help reduce these levels by donating a methyl group to homocysteine, converting it into methionine. This process is vital for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

Folic acid is often recommended alongside TMG to enhance the conversion of homocysteine. B vitamins, particularly vitamins B12 and B6, are also essential in this process. These vitamins work together to ensure efficient methylation and homocysteine reduction.

Reports suggest that regular intake of TMG can potentially reduce cholesterol levels. Maintaining balanced homocysteine and cholesterol levels is crucial for overall heart health. TMG is found in various foods but can be taken as a supplement for a more controlled dosage.

Potential Side Effects of TMG Supplements

Taking TMG supplements can offer numerous health benefits. However, as with any supplement, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects to ensure safe usage. 

TMG supplements may influence cholesterol levels, so regular monitoring is recommended to maintain optimal heart health. In rare cases, some users have reported mood changes, indicating the importance of being mindful of any emotional shifts.

Additionally, TMG can help regulate homocysteine levels, which is beneficial for heart health. Regular monitoring ensures these levels remain in a healthy range, further supporting cardiovascular wellness.

Although rare, some people may experience minor skin irritation. Performing a patch test before starting any new supplement can help prevent allergic reactions.

By staying informed and proactive, users can enjoy the benefits of TMG supplements while minimising any potential risks.


In conclusion, TMG supplements offer a multitude of beneficial effects that can significantly improve your overall health and well-being. By understanding the role of TMG, also known as trimethylglycine or betaine anhydrous, you can make an informed decision about incorporating these supplements into your diet. Taking a TMG supplement may help lower homocysteine levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. The effects of chronic betaine supplementation on cardiovascular markers and body composition are well-documented, making it a valuable addition to your health regimen.

Regular betaine supplementation immediately improves total cholesterol levels and plasma homocysteine in healthy men and women. Betaine's role in supporting liver function and enhancing athletic performance, especially in young professional soccer players during a competitive season, underscores its versatility. Whether you're aiming to improve your performance in professional sports or simply seeking to maintain a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, TMG supplements can be a valuable asset.

Dietary choline and betaine intake are crucial for maintaining optimal levels of TMG in the body. The beneficial effects of taking a TMG supplement extend beyond heart health, potentially improving cognitive function and liver health. Low-dose betaine supplementation leads to enhanced metabolic function, making it a smart choice for those looking to support their overall well-being.

As you consider adding TMG supplements to your routine, it is important to choose high-quality TMG capsules that are third-party tested to ensure purity and effectiveness. The effects of chronic betaine supplementation on performance in professional athletes, such as young soccer players, highlight its potential to enhance endurance and strength. Moreover, betaine may also support a healthy lifestyle by contributing to the long-term lowering of plasma homocysteine levels.

By understanding how TMG supplements may help, you can make informed choices that align with your health goals. Research supports the role of TMG in supporting cardiovascular health, liver function, and athletic performance. As you explore the benefits of TMG supplements, remember that a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are essential components of overall well-being.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of TMG supplements? Explore our comprehensive guide to understand the effects, compare top options, and choose the right product to enhance your health and well-being. Visit our website at Longevity Box to discover high-quality TMG supplements and take the next step towards a healthier, more vibrant life.