SmartAge Study: Investigating the Impact of Spermidine Supplementation on Cognition and Biomarkers in Older Adults with Subjective Cognitive Decline

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- Updated by Jody Mullis

  • The SmartAge trial attempts to understand the impact of spermidine supplementation on memory performance among older adults affected by subjective cognitive decline (SCD).
  • The research is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIb trial and includes two study arms with spermidine supplementation and placebo.
  • The primary outcome focuses on assessing changes in memory performance between the baseline and post-intervention visits.
  • Secondary outcomes include evaluation of changes in neurocognitive, behavioral, and physiological parameters using neuroimaging and blood biomarkers.
  • The trial could provide insights into potential neurophysiological mechanisms underlying possible cognitive benefits due to spermidine supplementation.
  • Through spermidine supplementation, the study aims to contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease through nutritional intervention.


Spermidine Study 2019

Published in 2019 in the Alzheimer's Research & Therapy journal, a study titled "Effects of spermidine supplementation on cognition and biomarkers in older adults with subjective cognitive decline (SmartAge)-study protocol for a randomized controlled trial" presents intriguing research about the use of spermidine in enhancing cognizance in older adults. This article explores the study and its potential ramification for anti-aging and longevity science. The complete study can be found here.

The global rise in age-related diseases and an aging population underlines the importance of promoting healthy aging. This study strives to provide constructive strategies for enhancing cognitive and brain health in the elderly affected by subjective cognitive decline (SCD). Notably, individuals with SCD are more likely to experience objective cognitive regression and progression to dementia dues to Alzheimer's disease. The researchers wanted to determine if supplementing with spermidine could positively affect memory performance compared to placebo in this high-risk group. They also aimed to investigate the effects of spermidine intake on other behavioral, neuropsychological, and physiological parameters.

This research, dubbed the SmartAge trial, adopts a double-blind, placebo-controlled, monocentric randomized phase IIb trial modality. Testing the effects of 12 months on a spermidine-based dietary supplement against a placebo in control, the study plan included recruiting 100 cognitively normal, older individuals with SCD. Primary outcomes considered the change in memory performance between baseline and post-intervention visits (12 months after baseline). In addition, secondary outcomes addressed the change in memory performance from baseline to follow-up assessment (18 months from baseline) and changes in neurocognitive, behavioral, and physiological parameters using blood and neuroimaging biomarkers assessed at baseline and post-intervention.

The findings of the SmartAge trial should provide significant insights into the impact of spermidine supplementation on memory performance in older individuals with SCD. Moreover, potential neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the expected cognitive benefits will likely be identified. Overall, the trial aims to contribute to the development of nutritional intervention in preventing Alzheimer's disease.