NMN Powder Vs NMN Capsules - Which Is Best?

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- Updated by Jody Mullis MS, RD, Nutritionist

NMN Powder UK vs NMN Capsules UK

Key Takeaway

Both powder and capsules have their advantages, but we believe NMN powder has the advantage over capsules due to the absence of binders and fillers, as well as the easier administration when taken sublingually. 

NMN, also known as nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring molecule that has been linked to longevity and healthspan-promoting effects. As its popularity increases, so does the debate of which form – powder or capsule – is more beneficial when taking NMN supplement. The benefits of NMN powder vs NMN capsules can be difficult to decipher without understanding how they are both absorbed by our bodies and what additives may come with them in certain forms. In this blog post we'll explore these differences from sublingual absorption to binders used in capsules containing NMN; providing you all the information necessary for making an informed decision about your supplement regimen.

What is NMN?

NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring molecule found in the body and is critical to energy production and human health. It is an important precursor to NAD+, which plays a key role in energy production and other metabolic processes. NMN has been studied for its potential longevity benefits as well as its ability to help improve overall health and wellness due to its primary action of increasing NAD+ levels.

Benefits of NMN

Studies have shown that taking NMN supplements can potentially increase lifespan by up to 20% in mice. Additionally, it may also be beneficial for improving cognitive function, reducing inflammation, boosting metabolism and promoting healthy aging. Furthermore, research suggests that taking this supplement could help reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Sources of NMN

While small amounts of NMN are produced naturally in the body through food sources such as broccoli sprouts or green tea extract, most people need to take supplemental forms of this compound if they want to experience its full benefits. Supplements containing the purest form of this molecule are available online from reputable retailers like Amazon or specialized supplement stores like Longevity Science’s website where you can purchase high quality products at competitive prices.

Sublingual absorption of NMN is an efficient and effective way to get the most out of your supplement, so let's explore the advantages and disadvantages it offers.

Sublingual Absorption of NMN

Sublingual absorption is a process that involves taking a supplement or medication under the tongue and allowing it to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, is one such supplement that can be taken sublingually for maximum benefit.

How Sublingual Absorption Works

Sublingual absorption occurs when substances are placed beneath the tongue and allowed to dissolve before being swallowed. The mucous membranes in the mouth absorb these substances quickly and efficiently, bypassing digestion entirely and entering directly into the bloodstream. This method of delivery allows for faster uptake of nutrients than if they were ingested orally.

Advantages of Sublingual Absorption for NMN

Taking NMN sublingually offers several advantages over other methods of ingestion. It allows for quicker absorption due to its direct route into the bloodstream, meaning more immediate health effects. Additionally, since it does not need to pass through digestive processes like oral ingestion does, there is less chance of degradation or breakdown during transit which could reduce effectiveness. Finally, this method also avoids potential side effects associated with taking supplements orally such as nausea or stomach upset due to large doses being broken down too quickly by digestive enzymes in the gut before they can be fully absorbed by cells throughout the body.

Sublingual absorption of NMN is an efficient way to get the supplement into your system quickly. Taking it in powder form has its own advantages and drawbacks, which we will explore next.

Key Takeaway: Sublingual absorption of NMN offers many advantages over other methods, such as quicker uptake, less chance of degradation and avoidance of side effects. These benefits include: - Quicker absorption - Less chance of degradation - Avoidance of side effects

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking NMN in Powder Form

Taking NMN in powder form has its advantages and disadvantages. The most obvious benefit of taking NMN in powder form is that it allows for greater control over the dosage. Unlike capsules, which are pre-measured, powders can be measured to the exact amount desired. This makes it easier to adjust the dose according to individual needs or preferences. Additionally, since powders don’t need to be swallowed with water like capsules do, they can be taken more quickly and conveniently than capsules.

NMN in powder form is a convenient way to take your daily supplement, however it may not be the most efficient option when considering the absorption rate. Next, let's explore the advantages and disadvantages of taking NMN in capsule form.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking NMN in Capsule Form

Taking NMN in capsule form is a convenient way to get the benefits of this longevity supplement. It's easy to take, requires no preparation, and can be taken on-the-go. However, there are some drawbacks that should be considered before deciding if taking NMN in capsule form is right for you.

Benefits of Taking NMN in Capsule Form:

The main benefit of taking NMN in capsule form is convenience. There’s no need to measure out powder or mix it with other ingredients; just pop the capsules and go. This makes it easier for those who lead busy lives or travel frequently as they don’t have to worry about preparing their supplements each day. Additionally, many people find capsules easier to swallow than powders which can help them stick with their supplement routine more easily.

Drawbacks of Taking NMN in Capsule Form:

NMN in capsule form offers convenience and ease of use, however it is important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with additives and binders used in capsules containing NMN. In the next section, we will discuss types of additives and binders used in capsules containing NMN as well as potential health risks associated with them.

The most common types of additives and binders used in capsules containing NMN are magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, gelatin, cellulose derivatives such as microcrystalline cellulose or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and polyethylene glycol (PEG). Magnesium stearate is a lubricant that helps prevent ingredients from sticking together during manufacturing. Silicon dioxide acts as an anti-caking agent to keep powders from clumping together. Gelatin is derived from animal sources like cows or pigs and provides structure for capsules while also making them easier to swallow. Cellulose derivatives provide bulk for tablets while PEGs act as emulsifiers which help mix oil-based ingredients into water-based solutions.

While these additives may seem harmless at first glance, they can potentially cause adverse reactions when taken over long periods of time due to their chemical nature. For example, magnesium stearate has been linked to decreased immune system function while PEGs can contain impurities such as ethylene oxide which has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a carcinogen in humans. Additionally, some people may experience allergic reactions when taking supplements containing gelatin due to its animal origin source material.

Therefore, it is important to do your research before purchasing any type of supplement so you know exactly what you are putting into your body and if there are any potential health risks associated with it that could affect you negatively in the future.

Key Takeaway

NMN capsules may contain additives and binders such as magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, gelatin, cellulose derivatives and PEGs which can have potential health risks associated with them. It is important to research supplements before purchasing to ensure you are aware of any potential risks.

FAQs in Relation to Benefits of Nmn Powder vs Nmn Capsules

Is NMN better in powder or capsules?

It is difficult to definitively answer this question as both powder and capsules have their advantages, but we believe NMN powder has the advantage over capsules due to the absence of binders and fillers, as well as the easier administration when taken sublingually. NMN powder can be easily mixed into drinks or food, making it easier to consume. Ultimately, the choice between powder and capsules comes down to personal preference; whichever form of NMN you find easiest and most enjoyable to take will likely be the best option for you.

What is the best form to take NMN?

Capsules are convenient and easy to take with meals, while powders can be added to drinks for faster absorption into the bloodstream. Both forms of NMN have been shown to provide beneficial effects on longevity and overall health when taken regularly. Ultimately, it is up to you which form of NMN you choose; however, both options are safe and effective ways to support your health goals.

How do you use pure NMN powder?

It can be taken orally. To use pure NMN powder, simply measure out the recommended dosage with an accurate measuring spoon or scale and dissolve it under your tongue for 20 seconds, or into your favorite beverage or food item for easy consumption. For best results, take it consistently each day at the same time for optimal absorption and effectiveness.


In conclusion, NMN is a powerful longevity supplement that can help improve your overall health and wellbeing. While both powder and capsule forms of NMN offer benefits, it’s important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each form before making a decision. Taking NMN in powder form offers sublingual absorption which may be more effective than taking it in capsule form due to the additives and binders used in capsules containing NMN. Ultimately, understanding the benefits of NMN powder vs NMN capsules will help you make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

Are you looking for a way to maximize the benefits of longevity supplements? Look no further than Longevity Box! Our NMN powder offers superior quality and is independently tested by renowned UK testing agents. Don't wait - start experiencing the power of Longevity today with our Longevity range, of which NMN is our best selling UK product.