NMN in Food: Foods Contain NMN to Boost Health and Longevity

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- Updated by Jody Mullis
Medically reviewed by Dr. Sidra Samad

Discover how NMN in food can boost your NAD+ levels for better health and longevity. Explore natural sources of nicotinamide mononucleotide for optimal ageing.

NMN in Food: Can Boosting NAD+ Levels Improve Health and Longevity?


Curious about how Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) in food can boost your health and longevity? You’re about to discover everything there is to know. This article explores the important aspects of NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, a compound naturally found in certain foods that is thought to have significant anti-ageing effects.

NMN is gaining attention in the scientific community. NMN is a precursor to NAD+, also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is crucial for energy production and cellular health. High levels of NMN in the body are linked to better metabolic health, reduced inflammation, and improved muscle function. NMN is found in various natural sources, making it accessible through diet.

Foods that contain NMN include broccoli, cabbage, avocado, cucumber, and edamame. These NMN-rich foods may help maintain NAD+ levels in the body. The intake of NMN 

through these foods supports a range of health benefits, including enhanced aerobic capacity and overall vitality. NMN in food provides a natural source of this longevity supplement, offering therapeutic effects without the need for supplements.

NMN occurs naturally in many vegetables and fruits. Broccoli and cabbage are well-known sources, while avocados offer another delicious way to increase NMN intake. This makes it easier to incorporate NMN into your diet, supporting the administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide and its benefits.

Research has shown that the administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice. This suggests that NMN may play a role in human health as well. By learning about NMN and its health effects, you can make informed decisions about your diet and well-being.

At Longevity Box, we've focused on enhancing health and longevity since early 2021, supporting over 100,000 satisfied customers with our purity-guaranteed supplements. Our 700-day purity guarantee ensures that every product is thoroughly third-party tested to be free from fillers, binders, and preservatives.

Curious about how NMN-rich foods can benefit your health and longevity? Our guide will help you understand the advantages and potential downsides, offering practical tips to incorporate NMN into your diet for a healthier, longer life.


Understanding NMN and Its Role in the Body

NMN  is crucial to the energy production processes in our bodies. As a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), NMN helps fuel essential cellular functions. Without sufficient levels of NMN, cells can struggle to maintain energy balance, affecting multiple body systems.

NAD+ is essential for the conversion of food into usable energy. NMN supports this process by enhancing the activity of enzymes involved in cellular respiration. This makes NMN a key player in maintaining metabolic health.

NMN levels can affect various physiological functions. For instance, higher levels may improve physical performance and energy. Moreover, increasing NMN can help sustain healthy NAD+ levels, which are vital for overall cellular health and longevity.

The body contains a critical enzyme, nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), which converts nicotinamide into NMN. This conversion forms the foundation for adequate NAD+ levels. Crucially, maintaining these levels is essential for supporting the myriad functions that NAD+ oversees.

Ensuring a varied diet is essential for boosting NMN levels naturally. Including a range of NMN-rich foods supports balanced NAD+ levels, crucial for cellular health and energy metabolism.

The Science Behind Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

NMN is a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), which plays a crucial role in energy metabolism and cellular functions

NMN is relatively stable in water. In one study, 93%-99% of it was maintained intact in drinking water at room temperature for 7-10 days. This stability makes it feasible for various applications in both research and potential therapeutic uses.

When administered to mice, NMN is rapidly absorbed. The plasma levels of NMN increase significantly within just a few minutes of oral administration. This rapid absorption indicates its effectiveness in quickly elevating NAD+ levels within the body.

Research on NMN has shown promising results related to age-associated physiological decline. Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide has been linked to increased energy and improved metabolism. These studies suggest that NMN supplementation may aid in mitigating some effects of ageing.

One crucial finding is that NMN administration can improve lipid metabolism and eye function. 

In terms of protective effects, NMN shows the potential to boost the immune system and energy levels. These protective effects make it a strong candidate for further research and potential therapeutic applications.

Foods Rich in NMN: What to Include in Your Diet

Including NMN-rich foods in your diet can support cellular health and offer potential anti-ageing effects by boosting NAD+ levels. NMN naturally occurs in various whole foods, making it accessible through a balanced diet. Here’s an expanded look at some of the top foods that naturally contain NMN and how they can benefit your health.


  • Broccoli: A well-known natural source of NMN, broccoli provides between 0.25 to 1.12 mg of NMN in every 100g. This staple vegetable not only packs numerous vitamins but also supports NAD+ levels. Including broccoli in salads or as a side dish can help increase NMN intake.
  • Cabbage: Similar to broccoli in NMN content, cabbage is another cruciferous vegetable rich in NMN. It can be eaten raw in coleslaws or cooked in various dishes, helping to maintain NAD+ levels.
  • Cucumber: Refreshing and hydrating, cucumbers contain significant NMN. They are easily added to salads and snacks, making them a convenient way to boost NMN levels.


  • Avocado: This nutrient-dense fruit offers between 0.36 to 1.60 mg of NMN per 100g. Avocados are versatile and can be enjoyed in salads, as a spread, or on their own, providing a natural source of NMN.
  • Tomato: Tomatoes are versatile and easily incorporated into meals. They provide NMN along with other essential nutrients, supporting overall health and NAD+ levels.


  • Edamame: These young soybeans are not only delicious but also rich in NMN, comparable to avocados. Edamame is a perfect addition to stir-fries, salads, or as a snack, contributing to the maintenance of NAD+ levels.



  • Mushrooms: While mushrooms contain trace amounts of NMN, they are worth adding to your diet due to their overall nutrient profile.
  • Beef: Lean cuts of beef provide 0.06 to 0.42 mg of NMN per 100g. Incorporating beef into your meals can help increase your NMN intake.
  • Spirulina: This powerful NMN source can be added to smoothies, juices, or energy bars, enhancing your diet with its rich nutrient content.

NMN Content and Preservation

NMN levels in foods can be contingent upon how they are prepared and stored. Consuming certain foods raw, like broccoli and spinach, can help preserve their NMN content. The stability of NMN, such as maintaining 93%-99% of its content in drinking water at room temperature for 7-10 days, highlights its potential for dietary applications.

Benefits and Practical Application

Incorporating NMN-rich foods into your diet provides a natural way to enhance NAD+ levels, which are crucial for energy production and cellular health. Regular consumption of these foods can support the body’s ability to repair DNA, reduce inflammation, and combat the effects of ageing. By including a variety of NMN-rich vegetables, fruits, legumes, seafood, and other sources in your diet, you can take advantage of their anti-ageing effects and promote overall well-being.

Understanding how NMN and NAD+ interact helps in making informed dietary choices. Foods rich in NMN naturally support the precursor of NAD+, essential for maintaining metabolic health and longevity. By focusing on whole foods that naturally contain NMN, you can effectively boost NAD+ levels and enjoy the associated health benefits.



NMN Content per 100g


0.25–1.12 mg


0.25–1.12 mg


0.25–1.12 mg


0.36–1.60 mg


Similar to avocado


Varies in content


Trace amounts


0.06–0.42 mg


Trace amounts


In essence, by including these NMN-rich foods in your diet, you can naturally support your body’s NAD+ levels, leading to improved health and longevity. Whether you enjoy them raw, cooked, or as part of a meal, these foods offer a simple and effective way to enhance your diet with the benefits of NMN.

The Benefits of NMN-Rich Foods for Health and Longevity

Incorporating NMN-rich foods into our diet can provide numerous health benefits. NMN, which is naturally found in many foods, is a precursor to NAD+, a vital molecule for cell metabolism and energy. By consuming NMN, we can help increase NAD+ levels in our bodies.

One of the primary benefits of NMN is its potential to increase longevity. Studies have demonstrated that NMN can support healthy ageing by maintaining DNA repair mechanisms and promoting cellular health. This could, in turn, lead to a longer, healthier life.

Key benefits of NMN-rich foods:

  1. Enhanced Physical Performance: Increased NAD+ levels help improve muscle function and stamina.
  2. Energy Boost: NMN contributes to higher energy production, making us feel more energetic throughout the day.
  3. Stress Resistance: Regular consumption of NMN-rich foods can enhance our body’s ability to cope with stress.

Many foods contain NMN, and adding these to our diet can be a simple way to reap the benefits. Eating NMN-rich foods like beef, shrimp, and milk can support NAD+ levels. Though the amount of NMN in these foods may be small, consistent consumption can have cumulative beneficial effects on our health.

How NMN Supplements Compare to Natural Food Sources

NMN Supplements

  • NMN supplements deliver a concentrated dose.
  • Easy to consume in pill or powder form.
  • Popular among those looking for targeted results.

Food Sources

  • Include broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, avocado, and edamame.
  • Also found in plants like spirulina, ginseng, ginger, and green tea.
  • Offer additional nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Effectiveness of NMN Supplements

  • Provide a more reliable and accurate dosage.
  • Can significantly boost NAD+ levels.
  • Convenient for those with dietary restrictions.

Effectiveness of Food Sources

  • NMN content varies naturally.
  • Associated with other health benefits due to their nutrient profiles.
  • Incorporating a variety of these foods can support healthy ageing.

Comparison of Longevity Benefits

  • Supplements are favoured by those seeking concentrated doses for anti-ageing benefits.
  • Natural foods provide a holistic approach by supplying an array of nutrients.
  • For some, a combination of both might be the best strategy.

Convenience and Accessibility

  • Supplements are easy to include in a daily routine, regardless of dietary habits.
  • Natural foods may require more planning and preparation.
  • Availability of certain foods can be seasonal and geographically limited.

Cost Considerations

  • Quality NMN supplements can be expensive.
  • Natural foods offer a more economical approach.
  • A balanced intake of food might suffice for many.

The Cellular Benefits of Consuming NMN-Rich Foods

Consuming NMN-rich foods can offer significant cellular benefits that contribute to overall better health and longevity. As we already know by this time NMN is a powerful compound found naturally in various foods.

These foods may help enhance the source of cellular energy by increasing NAD levels in our cells. NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism and energy production.

Regular intake of foods with NMN can support the body’s ability to repair DNA, reduce inflammation, and combat the effects of ageing. Some notable NMN-rich foods include broccoli, avocados, cucumbers, edamame, and mushrooms.

Potential Drawbacks and Side Effects of NMN Intake

Taking NMN can also present some challenges. While it’s primarily promoted for its many health benefits, NMN isn’t without its potential side effects.

Some individuals report mild digestive discomfort. This includes nausea, bloating, and diarrhoea. If you have a sensitive stomach, consider taking NMN with food.

To minimise digestive side effects:

  • Take NMN with a meal
  • Start with a lower dose and gradually increase

Reported doses range widely, from around 250 mg to 1000 mg of NMN per day. It’s important to find the right amount for you.

While NMN supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in some studies, long-term data in humans remains sparse. We know it can help cellular energy by boosting NAD levels, but comprehensive human research is still ongoing.

Possible side effects and considerations:

  • Mild digestive issues
  • Unknown long-term effects
  • Limited research in human subjects

An important point worth noting is that in the United States, NMN is currently classified as an investigational drug. This has led to its reduced availability as a supplement.

NMN and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Comparison

Both NMN and Nicotinamide Riboside play vital roles in boosting NAD+ levels in the body. NAD+ is crucial for cell metabolism and energy production. Comparing these two compounds, researchers have demonstrated their effectiveness in different contexts, but more studies are necessary to pinpoint their unique benefits.

FDA and NMN Supplements

The regulatory environment, especially in the United States, has a significant impact on the development and availability of NMN products. For instance, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared that β-NMN is prohibited as a health supplement in November 2022. This decision is based on an application by Metro Biotech to study a variant of NMN which they label as MIB-626.

Clinical Studies and Future Prospects

Ongoing and future clinical trials are vital for understanding the full potential of NMN in enhancing longevity. Researchers are exploring various technical approaches to improve NMN synthesis and bolster its application in nutrition, healthy food, and medicine. Such efforts will help to substantiate the beneficial physiological effects of NMN and its role in promoting healthy ageing.


In conclusion, NMN found in foods offers a natural source of this powerful compound, providing an array of health benefits. NMN is naturally present in vegetables like broccoli and avocados, and its intake can significantly boost levels of NAD+ in the body. As NMN is converted into NAD+, it plays a crucial role in energy production and cellular health.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity and supports metabolic functions, making it an attractive option for those looking to reduce the effects of ageing. Although NMN is found in a variety of foods, including cucumbers and edamame, supplementation can ensure a more consistent intake, which has been shown to increase levels of NAD+ more effectively.

NMN comes with significant anti-ageing effects. It supports DNA repair, reduces inflammation, and enhances overall vitality. As a precursor of NAD+, NMN is thought to play a vital role in maintaining cellular functions and promoting longevity. Studies have demonstrated that NMN and NAD+ are closely linked, with NMN supplementation helping to sustain healthy NAD+ levels.

Though NMN has numerous benefits, it’s essential to consider its potential drawbacks and individual health conditions before starting supplementation. Incorporating NMN-rich foods into your diet is a natural way to enhance NAD+ levels, but for those seeking higher and more consistent doses, supplements might be necessary.

NMN’s ability to enhance aerobic capacity and support metabolic health highlights its potential as a key player in anti-ageing nutrition. As we learn more about NMN and its benefits, it becomes clear that including NMN-rich foods in our diet or considering supplementation can have profound effects on our health and longevity.

Explore how NMN can fit into your health routine and consider adding NMN-rich foods or supplements to your diet. Visit our website at Longevity Box to learn more and take the next step towards enhancing your well-being.