NAD+ Supplements: A Complete Guide For 2023

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- Updated by Jody Mullis MS, RD, Nutritionist

NAD+ is a molecule that plays an essential role in the functioning of cells and tissues, as it helps to convert food into energy. Supplementation...

NAD+ Supplements: A Complete Guide For 2023

NAD+ is a molecule that plays an essential role in the functioning of cells and tissues, as it helps to convert food into energy. Supplementation with NAD+ has been gaining popularity due to its potential health benefits. This article aims to provide an overview of NAD+ supplements for those seeking to understand them better in 2023.

The use of NAD+ supplementation has been around for almost 10 years, and yet scientists are still uncovering its full range of physiological effects. It is now known that NAD+ can help regulate metabolic pathways [1], including those involved in aging and cognitive performance. Additionally, research indicates that supplementing with NAD+ may reduce fatigue levels [2] and improve overall well-being.

This guide will cover all aspects related to taking NAD+ supplements, from their potential benefits and safety profile to what types are available on the market today. We'll explore how different doses might affect your body differently based on various factors such as age or lifestyle habits. By the end of this article you should feel confident about whether or not taking NAD+ supplements could be right for you in 2023.

What Is NAD+?

NAD+ is a crucial coenzyme that plays a vital role in various biological processes that occur within the human body. As a molecule that aids enzymes in catalysing biochemical reactions, NAD+ is found in every living cell of plants and animals. One of its most crucial functions is its role in energy production and metabolism, making it an essential component in maintaining overall cellular health.

While NAD+ is produced naturally in the body, its production decreases with age, leading to a decline in various physiological functions. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in finding ways to increase NAD+ levels to promote healthy aging and longevity. One of the primary ways to increase NAD+ levels is through dietary sources, such as milk, eggs, fish, meats, nuts, and legumes.

In addition to dietary sources, there are also NAD+ precursors available in the form of dietary supplements. These supplements have become increasingly popular due to their purported health benefits, and scientific research and clinical trials are continuously emerging to explore their potential uses. By providing the body with the necessary building blocks to produce NAD+, these supplements may help improve cellular health, enhance metabolic function, and support healthy aging.

Benefits Of NAD+

Research into the effects of NAD+ supplements on humans is still relatively new but there are some promising results from human trials conducted so far. Studies suggest that supplementation with NAD+ may have beneficial effects on mitochondrial health, DNA damage, and even aging-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease [3]. Additionally, research shows that supplementing with NAD+ may also help increase energy production within cells by increasing levels of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide [4] (NMN).

Overall, research suggests that supplementing with NAD+ could potentially provide numerous health benefits throughout the body at a cellular level. As more studies continue to come out regarding its efficacy and safety, we will gain a better understanding of how this nutrient might be used therapeutically in various conditions. As with all supplements, further clinical trials are needed to definitively understand all of the possible benefits associated with taking NAD+ supplements.

How Does NAD+ Work At The Cellular Level?

NAD+ is like a conductor in an orchestra, orchestrating the intricate yet essential processes within living cells. NAD+ works by providing electrons to biochemical reactions that are necessary for cell metabolism and energy production. T

At a cellular level, NAD+ helps regulate redox balance which is important for maintaining metabolic homeostasis. It's involved in a multitude of enzymatic activities that occur during respiration which produces ATP molecules – the universal form of energy used by all life forms on Earth. This process requires glucose as its source of fuel, along with oxygen from the air we breathe to be converted into ATP molecules through oxidative phosphorylation.

NAD+ also plays a role in protein synthesis and gene expression since it helps carry signals between proteins involved in these processes. In addition, it's been linked to aging-related diseases such as diabetes and cancer due to its connection with DNA repair mechanisms and apoptosis regulation. Without adequate amounts of NAD+, our bodies can’t function properly at the cellular level resulting in numerous health issues down the line. Overall, NAD+ is a vital component of healthy cell functioning and should not be overlooked when looking at general wellness strategies.

Types Of NAD+ Supplements

NAD+ supplements are dietary supplements that can be used to increase NAD+ levels in the body. The two most common types of these supplements are nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR). Each type has different benefits, so it is important to understand the differences between them before choosing a supplement.

NMN is a nucleotide molecule found naturally in food sources such as edamame, broccoli, avocado, cabbage, and beef. It is also available in supplemental form as an NAD+ booster. NMN helps to boost energy production by increasing the amount of NAD+ in cells. Additionally, it may help improve cellular function and reduce inflammation.

NR is a precursor to NAD+ and is involved in its biosynthesis. While NR is found naturally in some foods, it is not present in significant amounts to have a significant impact on NAD+ levels. Some foods that contain NR include cow's milk, yeast extract, and brewer's yeast.

While both NR and NMN Supplement are considered to have a good safety profiles and fewer side effects than other NAD+ precursors, it's important to note that the effects of NR may vary depending on the individual's metabolic state and health status.


NMN and NR are closely related molecules that belong to the same family of Vitamin B3 compounds. Both have been studied for their ability to increase NAD+ levels and support healthy aging. However, while NMN and NR both increase NAD+ levels, they differ in their metabolic pathways. NR is converted into NMN before being converted into NAD+, while NMN can be directly converted into NAD+. Both have been studied for their ability to enhance energy levels, support healthy aging and combat age-related illnesses.


Dr David Sinclair and Dr Rohnda Patrick discuss NMN and NR

Another difference between NMN vs NR lies in the duration of their effects once taken as a supplement: due largely to its slower rate of absorption into the bloodstream compared with NMN, NR’s benefit tends to last longer after ingestion.

While absorption rate may play a role in the difference between NMN and NR's effects, it is not the only factor involved. Other factors such as tissue distribution, enzyme activity, and excretion may also affect the duration of their effects.

Ultimately, whether you choose to take NMN or NR will depend on your individual needs and goals – there is no single ‘right answer’ here since everyone responds differently when taking dietary supplements.

Impact Of NAD+ On Age-Related Diseases And Healthy Aging

Studies have proven that NAD+ plays a major role in age-related diseases and healthy aging. Researchers suggest that NAD+ can regulate gene expression [5] to help combat age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. In addition, NAD+ has also been shown to increase energy production by boosting ATP levels and improving mitochondrial function. Furthermore, NAD+ is involved in DNA repair mechanisms which further contribute to its anti-aging effects.

NAD+ supplementation may also be beneficial for overall health by increasing sun protection from UV radiation. Studies suggest that with increased NAD+, cells are better able to resist damage from free radicals caused by ultraviolet light exposure [6]. This could potentially reduce the risk of skin cancer due to excessive sun exposure or other environmental factors. Additionally, NAD+ may improve cellular communication pathways resulting in improved tissue regeneration and faster healing times after injury or illness.

Overall, it appears that maintaining adequate levels of NAD+ can offer numerous benefits when it comes to reducing risks associated with age-related diseases while promoting healthier aging processes like cell turnover and energy production. Further research needs to be conducted into how exactly NAD+ works on these processes but the evidence is promising so far regarding its potential uses for combating age-related illnesses and prolonging life expectancy through healthy practices like proper nutrition and exercise.

Are NAD+ Supplements Safe?

The safety of NAD+ supplements is an important concern for those considering using them. Generally, these products are considered safe.

NAD+ supplements typically contain either nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) or nicotinamide riboside (NR). NMN has been studied in humans with no reported adverse effects, while NR appears to be generally well-tolerated up to 1 g/day in humans. Both compounds have shown beneficial effects on increasing NAD+ levels and mitochondrial function, thus potentially providing some protection against age-related diseases.

Vitamin B3 derivatives such as niacin and niacinamide can also be found in some NAD+ supplements, although evidence suggests that the benefits associated with these vitamins likely come from their ability to improve cellular energy metabolism rather than directly increasing NAD+ levels. The inhabitants of Easter Island reportedly consumed large amounts of vitamin B3 but suffered high rates of heart disease and cancer; thus, it is not recommended to exceed the daily recommended intake of this nutrient.

Foods That Contain NAD+

Following the discussion on NAD+ precursors, it is important to consider other sources of this essential nutrient. Although supplements are available in many forms, natural sources like food can provide reasonable supply of NAD+. NMN can be found in certain vegetables, fruits, and grains and is not only a precursor for NAD+, but also functions as a coenzyme responsible for energy metabolism within cells.

Foods containing NMN have been shown to help maintain healthy levels of NAD+ in the body. Some examples include apples, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, leafy greens such as spinach or kale, legumes like peas or beans, whole wheat breads and pastas as well as various types of nuts and seeds including almonds and sesame seeds. Therefore, throuogh the mechanisms of NMN, consuming these foods may naturally increase energy levels by helping prevent cell death due to aging-related declines in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production.

These dietary sources of NMN demonstrate its potential role in promoting general health and wellness through improved cellular function. Such foods provide key nutrients necessary to keep cells alive while supporting metabolic processes related to ATP generation and normalizing NAD+ concentrations throughout the body. Combined with supplementation strategies discussed earlier, incorporating more high quality plant-based products into one's diet could be beneficial when seeking optimal benefits from either type of delivery system.

Health Risks Of Low NAD+

The importance of keeping NAD+ levels at optimal levels has become increasingly evident in recent years. Low levels of NAD+ have been linked to a wide range of health issues, such as accelerated aging and an increased risk for certain chronic illnesses. NMN is the most 'closest' precursor to NAD+. As we age, our bodies produce less IMN leading to lower NAD+ concentrations in the body's cells. This can result in senescent cells that are unable to properly repair damage and proliferate. As these damaged cells begin to accumulate, they may lead to various health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Research suggests that supplementing with NMN or taking other measures to increase NAD+ could help slow down cellular processes and improve overall health outcomes. In addition, lifestyle changes like exercise and proper nutrition can also contribute positively towards maintaining healthy levels of NAD+. 

It is clear that low levels of NAD+ can be associated with numerous detrimental effects on both physical and mental wellbeing. Therefore it is a strong case to say that it is important to take steps now to ensure your own optimal health by  pursuing effective strategies such as NAD+ supplementation when necessary.

Top 5 Ways To Boost Your NAD+ Levels

Having an understanding of NAD+ deficiencies and the health risks that come with low levels is important, but what can be done to increase them? Fortunately, there are several ways to boost your NAD+ levels. This section will explore five methods for doing so: diet, exercise, supplements, lifestyle changes, and targeted therapies.

As already discussed, dietary intervention has been demonstrated as a promising approach to increasing NAD+ levels in the body. Foods high in nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) have been proven to enhance cellular health by boosting NAD+. Some foods known to contain NMN include shiitake mushrooms, celery root extract, tomatoes, broccoli sprouts, barley grass juice powder, wheatgrass powder, spinach leaves and kale leaves. Various studies show these food sources may help restore healthy levels of NAD+.

Exercise has also been shown to improve overall wellbeing by increasing mitochondrial function which raises NAD+ concentrations in cells. Life span extension techniques such as calorie restriction or intermittent fasting can also result in higher levels of this vital molecule due to improved metabolic efficiency and reduced oxidative damage from free radicals.

As covered extensively already, supplementing with precursors such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) or Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMM) offer powerful benefits when it comes to restoring cell vitality through stimulating increased production of NAD+.

Lastly, making simple lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or reducing alcohol consumption could potentially lead to greater production of mitochondria-generated metabolites that enable better performance at the cellular level; resulting in more efficient energy exchange within each cell ultimately leading to healthier functioning organs throughout the body – including those responsible for producing hormones associated with longevity related conditions. 

Overall, there are many ways one can go about restoring their natural balance of this essential molecule  which plays an integral role in maintaining good health regardless of age or gender. Taking proactive measures today can ensure long term benefits down the road; particularly when it comes to keeping our bodies strong enough for life's daily demands no matter how big or small they may be!

How To Choose A Quality NAD+ Supplement

When selecting a NAD+ supplement, it is important to be aware of the quality and purity of ingredients used as well as the reputation of the manufacturer. Quality supplements can have significant health benefits while poor-quality ones may not provide any meaningful benefit or even cause harm. 

Another factor to consider when choosing a supplement is manufacturing practices. Companies should follow Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) set by regulatory bodies such as FDA and European Commission. cGMPs are standards designed to ensure safety, effectiveness, and quality control during the manufacture of dietary supplements. This includes testing raw materials prior to use, conducting product tests throughout the production process, and maintaining detailed documentation about all steps in the manufacturing process.

Overall, you should look for products with verified third-party certifications from organizations like SGS and Eurofins. These certifications for purity indicate that a product meets certain standards regarding quality control so consumers can trust that they are getting what they pay for. Additionally, researching customer reviews may give insight into how well various brands perform over time and whether there have been any issues with them in the past.

Shopping Tips For Buying An NAD+ Supplement

Shopping for an NAD+ supplement is like navigating a maze. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to find one that meets your specific needs. Fortunately, there are some key factors to consider when shopping that will help you make an educated decision about which product to use.

An important factor for most people today is cost. When selecting an NAD+ supplement, you should compare prices between products and look for ones with affordable pricing and verified high purity. In general, more expensive products tend to contain higher concentrations of active ingredients than cheaper brands do. However, this does not necessarily mean they are superior in quality; it simply means they are typically more potent per dose than lower-priced alternatives. You should also look into customer reviews and ratings from other users who have already tried the product you’re considering buying; this can give you valuable insight into how well the product works and what kind of results people experienced while taking it.

When making your selection, safety should always come first. Be sure to read through all labels carefully and select products free from artificial colors or preservatives whenever possible. Additionally, consult with your doctor if you have any questions about a particular brand or type of supplement prior to using it; this way, you can ensure that whatever choice you make won't cause adverse reactions or interact negatively with any medications or existing conditions you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Recommended Dosage Of NAD+ Supplement?

When it comes to NAD+ supplements, there are currently no universal rules on what constitutes an effective dose or daily regimen. To date, scientific studies have used different doses ranging from 25mg up to 2 grams per day depending on the specific goals being sought after. For instance, higher doses may be needed if looking to address issues like cognitive decline or chronic fatigue whereas lower doses might suffice for those seeking general wellbeing support.

It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement program, especially one that involves high dosages of NAD+. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and help you create a treatment plan that fits into your lifestyle without compromising safety or efficacy. Additionally, they will also be able to monitor your progress and adjust accordingly should there be any unexpected side effects along the way.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects Of Taking NAD+ Supplements?

Taking supplements of any kind can have a significant impact on one's health and wellbeing, so it is important to consider the potential side effects before committing to any type of supplementation. NAD+ supplements are no exception; although they possess many benefits, there may be some drawbacks associated with taking them as well. 

When taken at recommended dosages, most individuals experience few or no adverse reactions from taking NAD+ supplements. However, some people report experiencing symptoms such as headaches, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, dry mouth and dizziness after consumption. It is also worth noting that higher doses could increase the risk of developing these side effects. Therefore, it is advisable to begin with smaller amounts initially and gradually increase if necessary. Additionally, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor prior to incorporating any form of dietary supplement into their routine.

It is also important to keep in mind that certain ingredients found in some brands of NAD+ supplements may cause allergic reactions for certain individuals. Common allergens include wheat gluten, soybeans and dairy products. As such, it is imperative to research different brands thoroughly in order to find out which ones contain allergens or substances that might interact with existing medications before beginning supplementation.

Overall, while taking appropriate precautions when using NAD+ supplements can minimize risks significantly; those who are new to this type of supplementation should always do extensive research beforehand and proceed cautiously until understanding how their body reacts to its use. Consulting healthcare professionals prior to initiating supplementation is highly recommended in order to ensure safety and optimal results moving forward.

Are There Any Interactions Between NAD+ Supplements And Medications?

When considering a new supplement, it is important to evaluate the potential for interactions between that supplement and any medications being taken. NAD+ supplements are no exception. It is essential to determine if there are any possible issues when taking this type of supplement in combination with other drugs or therapies.

Therefore, it is always advisable to check with one's physician before beginning use of any form of nutritional supplementation - including NAD+, NMN or NR. This allows them to assess any known drug interactions that could occur while using this particular supplement alongside other medications or treatments they might already be prescribed. Knowing what reactions may arise can help ensure effective treatment outcomes and minimize risks associated with combining different products.

How Long Does It Take For NAD+ Supplements To Take Effect?

NAD+ supplements offer a number of potential health benefits to those who take them, but many are left wondering how long it takes for these benefits to be realized. This question is especially important as some supplement regimens require users to wait weeks or months before experiencing the full results. To better understand the timeline for NAD+ supplementation effects, an overview of its metabolic processes and interactions with other substances is necessary.

When taken orally, NAD+ supplements enter the bloodstream and begin to interact with cellular enzymes involved in energy metabolism. These enzymes convert NAD+ into its active form, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which then acts on proteins within cells that initiate various biochemical reactions essential for life functions. Additionally, NADP binds to receptors located on cell membranes and triggers signaling pathways leading to further changes in gene expression and overall cellular physiology. As such, certain forms of NAD+ can have profound impacts on physiological processes without directly entering the cell itself.

Given this complex mechanism, determining the exact timeframe for when one will see tangible results from their supplement regimen can vary depending on individual factors such as dietary habits, stress levels, lifestyle choices, etc. Generally speaking though, most people report feeling increased energy levels after just two weeks of taking daily doses of NAD+ supplements. Furthermore, anecdotal reports suggest that regular use may lead to more noticeable long-term effects such as improved cognitive function and reduced fatigue over time. Ultimately however, each person’s experience with NAD+ supplementation must be monitored closely by as there is no universal timeline for effectual outcomes across all individuals.

Is NAD a vitamin B3?

NAD is derived from vitamin B3, also known as niacin or nicotinamide, which is an essential nutrient that the body needs to function properly. Vitamin B3 is involved in many important biochemical reactions in the body, including the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol, as well as the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins for energy.

In the body, vitamin B3 is converted into two main forms of NAD: NAD+ and NADH. NAD+ is the oxidized form of NAD, while NADH is the reduced form. NAD+ is involved in cellular processes that require energy, such as glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, while NADH is involved in the electron transport chain, which is responsible for generating ATP, the body's main source of energy.

Overall, NAD is derived from vitamin B3 and is an essential coenzyme involved in many critical cellular processes. Adequate intake of vitamin B3 is necessary to maintain healthy levels of NAD in the body and support overall health and well-being.

Is vitamin B3 a precursor to NAD+?

Yes, vitamin B3, also known as niacin or nicotinamide, is a precursor to NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), which is an important coenzyme involved in various cellular processes, including energy metabolism, DNA repair, and cell signaling. In the body, vitamin B3 is converted into nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+), which are then further converted into NAD+ through a series of enzymatic reactions. NAD+ is involved in many important cellular processes that require energy, including the production of ATP, the body's main source of energy. Therefore, adequate intake of vitamin B3 is essential to maintain healthy levels of NAD+ in the body and support overall health and well-being.


The journey of life is a long and arduous one, often filled with obstacles that can be difficult to navigate. It requires fortitude, dedication and the proper tools so that we may reach our goals. One such tool is NAD+ supplements: their ability to give us an extra boost of energy on this path has made them indispensable for those who wish to take control of their health and increase longevity.

NAD+ supplements provide all the necessary benefits without any side effects or interactions when taken in recommended doses. They are also safe enough to be used daily if desired; however, it does not mean users should expect instantaneous results as these supplements require some time before they start taking effect.

By helping individuals along their journey towards better health through increased energy levels and improved physical performance, NAD+ supplements have become essential companions on the road ahead. In short, they provide us with the strength needed to keep pushing forward while allowing us to bask in the beauty of life’s countless wonders – no matter what challenges lie ahead.

[1] - Targeting NAD+ Metabolism as Interventions for Mitochondrial Disease

[2] - Clinical evaluation of changes in biomarkers by oral intake of NMN

[3] - Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)–a new therapeutic approach to Parkinson’s disease

[4] - Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: a randomized, double-blind study

[5] - Coordinated metabolic transitions and gene expression by NAD+ during adipogenesis

[6] - Role of Nicotinamide in Genomic Stability and Skin Cancer Chemoprevention

Role of NAD+ in regulating cellular and metabolic signaling pathways