Laurens Dirk Maas

Laurens Dirk Maas

IFM Certified Practitioner
IFM Certified Practitioner


3 & 4 Poppet'S Barn West Harting Road, South Harting, Sussex, UK



Medical Specialties

Functional Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

Botanical Medicine

Family Medicine

Health Coaching

Lifestyle Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine


Sleep Medicine

Allergy and Immunology


Sports Medicine

Pain Medicine

Alternative Medicine


Diabetes and Metabolism

Medical Toxicology

Medical Conditions


adrenal and other hormonal disorders

Weight or Metabolism concerns



Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Mercury and Heavy Metal Toxicity

Migraines and Headaches

Skin Disorders

Autoimmune Disease

Cardiovascular disorders

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Digestive disorders

Gluten Sensitivity

Metabolic Syndrome (pre-diabetes - insulin resistance)

Stress-related Conditions

Languages Spoken



What Patients Can Expect

Free parking. Countryside farmyard setting, wide-open landscape, lots of fresh air.Herbal teas and GF DF biscuits in reception while waiting. Pleasant music playing softly.On site lab testing - results in 35 mins- full comprehensive assessments can be done within 1 hr 30 mins.Friendly staff that is confident that the client will be given a scientific explanation of what is going on with their health challenges and also a structured program on what to do about it using natural integrated functional medicine methods.


Osteopathy is helpful for musculoskeletal complaints specializing in whiplash trauma/neck pain, knee arthritis, hip problems, and lower back dysfunctions (twisted pelvis and early to moderate lumbar disc problems.Visceral and cranial-sacral Osteopathy is used for GI cases where the gut-brain and brain-gut axis has been disturbed and needs rebalancing.Functional Medicine - specializing in treating chronic gut, adrenal, and detox issues (Kalish Method/ FM University))Integrated Medicine - Longevity and mitochondrial/sleep/fibromyalgia and auto-immune issues (thyroid, RA and psoriasis). SIBO, SIFO, GERD, IBS and Ulcerative colitis and Chron's treatment and support.

Graduate School Education

The British School of Osteopathy UK, The British Inst. of Homeopathy UK, University of Natural Medicine,USA, Functional Medicine University USA, Kalish Method USA

Professional Associations

General Osteopathic Council UK, Institute of Osteopathy UK, Kalish Institute, Institute of Functional Medicine (USA and UK)