Giulia Quintarelli, DO

Giulia Quintarelli, DO

IFM Certified Practitioner
IFM Certified Practitioner


27 Pentewan Road, St Austell, Cornwall, UK



Medical Specialties

Functional Medicine

Family Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine



General Practice


Medical Conditions


adrenal and other hormonal disorders




Autism Spectrum Disorder

Chronic Pain

Infections (acute and chronic low-grade such as Lyme - Candidiasis etc.)

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Mercury and Heavy Metal Toxicity

Migraines and Headaches

Neurodegenerative disorders

Autoimmune Disease

Cardiovascular disorders

Chronic Disease

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Digestive disorders


Female Disorders

Gluten Sensitivity


Metabolic Syndrome (pre-diabetes - insulin resistance)

Stress-related Conditions

Languages Spoken





Osteopathy and Functional Medicine training and experience since 1995. All areas of adult and child health. Special areas of interest and experience in: vaccine abreactions, chronic infections, multiple chemical sensitivity, dental toxicity (both heavy metals and infections, NICOs, cavitations) and material biocompatibility. Extensive experience in maternity, birth trauma, infant feeding and sleeping issues, pediatrics up to age 16. Post-Graduate training in Cranial and Visceral Osteopathy. Additional training in homeopathy and homotoxicology. Training in Bredesen Protocol for the Reversal of Alzheimer's and Cognitive Decline in 2016 and 2017.

Graduate School Education

European School of Osteopathy

Professional Associations

General Osteopathic Council, Institute of Osteopathy, British Society of Ecological Medicine

What Patients Can Expect

I work in a team with another colleague and together we analyse our patients' health and combine our expertise to provide collaborative and in-depth care. Each case is fully explored in its individuality and no two patients are treated the same, regardless of their symptoms or given diagnosis. We address a) biomechanical issues (spinal alignment, blood supply/drainage of visceral organs and lymphatic circulation), b) biochemical issues (diet, nutrient deficiency, supplementation, detoxification protocols) and c) psycho-emotional issues at each session where appropriate. We expect compliance and willingness to take on board changes in diet and life-style. We pride ourselves in returning our patients to health by leaving no stone unturned.