Join the FREE community where Longevity Enthusiasts
learn, grow and extend their healthspan

Join the FREE community where Longevity Enthusiasts
learn, grow and extend their healthspan

Join the community and get free access to

A 3-hour Longevity Masterclass course

Exclusive eBooks on Longevity topics

Celebrity Longevity Doctor Chatbots

A 3-hour Longevity Masterclass course

Exclusive eBooks on Longevity topics

Celebrity Longevity Doctor Chatbots

A Longevity community to connect and learn with others

One-on-one onboarding call to start reversing your biological age

New free resources published every week

A Longevity community to connect and learn with others

One-on-one onboarding call to start reversing your biological age

New free resources published every week


Look inside The Life. Upgraded Community


Learn, share and grow

Surround yourself with Longevity Lovers

It's never been more possible to increase your health and healthspan.


But being achieving this is a different story.


Longevity Enthusiasts are passionate about their health, and the future that they're forging.


Longevity Enthusiasts don't just focus on supplements or diet – they focus on full body health and have fun along the way.


Longevity Enthusiasts learn, take action and improve their long-term health based on science and results.

Because we're here for a good time AND a long time!

That's why I built The Life. Upgraded. Community.


Inside the community, we're a bunch of people from all walks of life who are improving our health, sharing experiences and contributing to the health of others. 


Not only does The Life. Upgraded. community encourage you to increase your healthspan, but you also get the benefit of learning from the results and experiences of others.


If you're a Longevity Lover, The Life. Upgraded. community was made for you.

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"I'm excited to be finally joining a community that cares about this stuff as much as I do!"


Learn, share and grow

Our Shared Goals

Learn and Grow

In The Life. Upgraded. community, you're not just crafting your own health routines…


You benefit from the routines of your fellow-members too. This compounds your learning and accelerates your growth.


By participating in this shared knowledge transfer, you'll stay at the cutting edge.


Increase Healthspan

We want to help you improve your health. By increasing healthspan, you can live a better, more vibrant life and achieve more of your dreams.


With the knowledge and support of like-minded souls, you can stop second-guessing if 'you're doing it right'.


The Life. Upgraded. community will help you drive towards this future and make those intentional choices.



No one succeeds alone. You will go a lot farther and move a lot faster when you work with others.


This is one of the biggest benefits of a community – we can all lift each other up.


Whether you create genuine friends or just help another human out, as we each succeed in our health goals, we each become an even more powerful force for one another.


Learn, share and grow

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"I can't think of a community  where the shared mission is so life-affirming!"

Why I built The Life. Upgraded. community 
(and my commitment to you)

Why I built The Lab

Hey, Max here.


The Life. Upgraded. community is where I invest the majority of my own time (outside of family and business life).


I had a hard time finding peers. Most Longevity enthusiasts were several steps behind me, and NONE were accessible, where I could share, learn and grow with them…


The Life. Upgraded. community has become that peer group. Our tribe members are living healthier, happier, and hopefully longer lives as a result of being in each others company.


This is a place for us all to share notes and grow together. 


It's the most active Longevity community I've been a part of – but even if you can't check in every day, my goal is to provide a handful of insights each week that make this well worth your time.

Inside The Lab, I’ll support you through:

Active participation

I'm extremely active in the forum and in direct messages.

Biological Age Reversal experience

My BioAge is 15+ years younger than my chronological age. I share how I've done this and what I'm doing next.

Curated training resources

I create and curate the best resources to help you build your own Longevity routine.

Personalised insight

The Life. Upgraded. community is where I can personalise my experience and insight to you and your specific situation.


Learn, share and grow

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"Facebook is not a place where I feel heard...  Here, I can be myself and learn from others :)"

A free course dedicated to your future health

  • Learn how to increase your healthspan with our FREE 3-hour Longevity Masterclass course.
  • Get the framework that Max used to reverse his biological age
  • Discover the 6 pillars to full-body health and how to leverage the secrets of Longevity
  • Take control of your future health with our full-proof approach to ensuring success
  • Foster a Longevity Mindset so that you're confident the things you're doing are supporting your health goals

“With the Longevity Lab free course I wanted to share concepts that I've learnt to be crucial when it comes to Longevity.  ”

Your new peer group

The sad reality is that most people who are interested in Longevity are doing it alone.


They don't share their passion for a long, kick-ass life with the people in their lives: family, friends and colleagues.


No one should be alone. It limits progress and makes it a lonely pursuit.




Going it alone is like playing on hard mode.


This community works together to not only push each other to grow and improve, but we amplify each others efforts as well.


Learn, share and grow

Look inside The Life. Upgraded Community

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Member Forum + Chat

Access to our community forum and our real-time chat app.


Free Longevity Course

Immediate, full access to our courses on Longevity.


Monthly Online Meets

Meet up with like-minded souls every week to explore Longevity topics


Share. Learn. Grow

Expand your potential by learning from, and contributing to, a wider knowledgebase of Longevity.


Learn, share and grow